
Natural Cures

A super bright Ph.D.-toting lady named Laura recently shared a few natural cure-alls with me. I'm sure everyone has come across these at some point, but I thought I'd pass them on to you:

Cumin - Prevents Cancer
Ginger - Calms Nausea
Basil - Combats Colds
Cinnamon - Fights Diabetes
Rosemary - Improves Memory
Garlic - Reduces Cholesterol
Nutmeg - Lowers Blood Pressure
Cloves - Helps Arthritis Pain
Turmeric - Curbs Inflammation
Thyme - Eases a Cough

If you don't have or go to a local farmer's market, you can buy these fresh here and here, and you can see how to use them here.
Here's to good health!
Photo: Mary Graber

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